Fully integrated isolated gate drivers

High-speed gate driver & isolated supply all in one package, Say goodbye to bootstrap components, Remove bulky DC-DC isolated power modules, Unlock new performance & efficiency levels, Self-powered

Hey1011-NL12A ISO 600x400 trans

Isolated supply and gate driver in just one LGA package
(10 x 7.66 x 1.91 mm)

The power of Simplicity

We are thrilled to announce that we are joining Allegro MicroSystems!


Allegro's market leading auto-grade sensor and power ICs together with our Power-ThruTM technology will enable new levels of power density and efficiency in high-voltage power systems.

Read the press release




Heyday driver recommended by GaN Systems

in BODO's Power Systems December Issue

The Hey1011 gate driver is recommended 

as the 1st step

to achieve Highly Effective GaN Designs.


Full article here



Latest Heyday-logo-transparent 500x135 Webinar

with our Sr Applications Engineers


"Heyday Solves Key Automotive Electrification Design Challenges"


During this webinar we review the main technical challenges with power conversion in the automotive industry and outline the business consequences of these challenges.

We show how the OBC, Inverter, DC-DC and PFC can be impacted by these challenges and explain how Heyday solves these technical and business challenges...




Gate drivers for MOS*, GaN and SiC*

Heyday gate drivers are built on proven CMOS silicon technology and can drive MOSFETs as well as the new wide bandgap GaN and SiC FETs.

  • Drive any FET to new unparalleled performance levels.

Our gate drivers feature our patented Power-Thru™ technology:

  • No more bootstrap components or isolated supplies required: the Heyday gate drivers do ALL the magic in ONE single integrated package

The benefits of the Power-Thru™ technology are substantial. 

* pre-series gate drivers for MOS and SiC to be released  in several months. Subscribe here to be updated on product releases

Make you power module...




icon less BOM trans




icon less volume trans


Area and Volume*


icon decrease


BOM cost*

* Figures are based on specific system designs and may vary from application to application. BOM cost figures may also be subject price fluctuations

It's just awesome. 

see the difference for yourself

DS board Heyday vs competition trans 700x244


We have already sold >10.000 gate drivers to the most innovative companies - improving their competitive advantage.

We can help you grow your business



Gate drivers for any application

icon tesla trans


icon solar panel trans

Solar Inverters

icon motor trans

Motor drives

icon robot trans


icon server trans

Data Centres

icon AC trans


icon charger trans


icon amplifier trans

Class D audio

icon appliance trans


icon UPS trans


icon spaceship trans


icon electric drill trans

Power tools


GO TO GaN driver



GO TO MOS Driver


Innovation based on experience

The Heyday team has leveraged many years of experience to develop a unique technology enabling high performance gate drivers.  In one single package and across one single internal isolation boundary both the gate drive signal and the drive power are transferred.  

We have called it power-thru®.

A single 2.6mm high LGA package now delivers isolated gate drive and energy at high speeds to your GaN and MOS FETs.  This enables improvements in efficiency, BOM count, module size, reliability and cost. Great news for all power module designers!

Reliable by design


In its product development processes Heyday uses:

  • Standard 180nm CMOS technology
  • Tier 1 dual-sourced Fabs
  • Industry leading packaging vendors
  • Rigorous development an qualification processes
  • Second-source strategies