DS A00040
AHV85000 + AHV85040
GaN FET Isolated Gate Driver Chipset with Power-Thru Integrated Isolated Bias Supply
- Chipset transmits both PWM signal & bias power through a single external isolation transformer
- 50 ns propagation delay (with recommended transformers)
- Separate drive output pins: pull-up (2.8 Ω) and pull-down (1.0 Ω)
- Supply voltage 7 V < VDRV < 13.2 V
- Undervoltage lockout on primary VDRV and secondary VSEC
- Enable pin with fast response
- Continuous ON capability—no need to recycle IN or recharge bootstrap capacitor
- CMTI > 100 V/ns dv/dt immunity (with recommended transformers)
- Creepage distance > 4 or 8 mm (with recommended transformers)
- AC-DC and DC-DC converters: Totem-pole PFC, LLC half-/full-bridge, SR drive, multi-level converters, phase-shifted full-bridge, high-side cutoff switches
- Three-phase: Vienna rectifier, T-type inverter
- Industrial: transportation, robotics
- Grid Infrastructure: micro-inverters, solar
- No high-side bootstrap
- No external secondary-side bias supply
Not to scale
DFN10 3x3 mm EJ package